Awesims Mid Century Bath Download For Sims 3

»  Awesims, an update.

Since my website is e'er flippin down (another major source of frustration), I'll x-post the update here:


Well first of all, I'd similar to thank the lovely folks who take kindly uploaded my erstwhile files to simscave and other various places - you lot're so kind and I can't cheers enough!

I'd also like to say to whoever the fuck it was who filed imitation copyright claims on my files: congratulations, you lot win. I am done. In the past I've been hacked, had my domain registration compromised (which took a lot of jumping through hoops to fix), I've been falsely defendant of copying others work, and but generally had to put up a lot of shit, all for a game. A game! It'due south ridiculous!

Well, as I say - you lot win. After this copyright claim business organisation, I have just received an email from mediafire that tells me that my account has been purged. So everything is gone. I tin have my business relationship back, certain, but all the files are gone.

Non only are my Sims files gone, but any work related, personal files that were on there are gone too. So yeah, thank you a lot asshole.

Then thank y'all everyone else for all the kind words of support and for downloading all my stuff over the years, but unfortunately I am out, donesies, over information technology.

Take care, all :)


I don't know how to reply to comments on the mobile app so ill just copypasta the text lol.

alma70 said: How many countries have you lot been traveling through now? Any Favorites?

Well, I've travelled through parts of:
Japan, Cathay, Nepal, Bharat, Turkey, Kingdom of spain, Morocco, France, Italian republic (Rome only heh), Thailand and Kingdom of cambodia (haven't been there yet, taking the bus the day later on tomorrow!)

As for favourite places I'd accept to say that the top three were Japan, India and hmmm… Spain.

d55studio said: I'chiliad really interested in how you managed such an amazing run a risk! I've always wanted to travel the earth!

Anyone can practice information technology! It is a lot of difficult piece of work and can sometimes exist extremely stressful but the sights, sounds, smells and everything else brand it all worth it!

We do all our booking on the road and its actually like shooting fish in a barrel, now more than e'er with things like online booking for flights, hostels etc. Tripadvisor makes looking for skilful inexpensive food so piece of cake, simply of course at that place'south something to be said for just walking around and taking a chance :)

Seriously, travel.
Stick to developing countries and your money will become farther than you tin imagine. Europe is just so expensive, and to be honest, its not going anywhere or changing in the near futurity, whereas India, southeast Asia and even parts of Southward America are irresolute at such a rate that they will lose a lot of what makes them special (thats not to say tourists are "ruining" these places, only things are definitely changing, and fast).

Part of me is sad that I waited so long to travel, merely on the other mitt, being a little older than a lot of backpackers, I think I can better capeesh what's going on without the inevitable hangover that comes with a lot of partying when you're 20 and in a wonderful new place hehe.

Anyway, yep! Travel! Information technology'southward cracking!

Lol whoops. Lamentable, I posted those pics to the wrong tumblr! :D

Thailand is pretty cool! Here are a few shots from the temples of Bangkok and Chiang Mai

Not certain if I all the same have whatever followers left but hi to those who've stuck effectually! ❤

I am currently in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and take but a few days over 3 weeks before I head back home to New Zealand! Didn't quite make it to 6 months since we have all but run out of money (hence Thailand, lol), but we figure a couple weeks shy of 6 months is good plenty. We managed to run across parts of Japan, People's republic of china, Nepal, Republic of india, Morocco, Turkey, Spain, Italy, French republic, Thailand and Cambodia. A pretty adept chunk if you enquire me!

I thoroughly recommend getting out and seeing the world equally soon as you lot can, it is truely an amazing place!

I am looking forward to seeing our families & friends, catching up on a loooot of tv/movies and keen into Sims again! Got a buttload of photos to sort through to equally you can imagine - a very daunting job!

Talk soon, friends :)

Being on vacation gives me so many ideas for worlds it pains me that I'k still similar 4 months away from CAW *angst*

Really, I can hardly believe I've been away 2 months already… I thought you might exist interested in a few shots from Bharat, which has proven to be a truly unforgettable place :)

I am on a beach in Goa, India and finally have a chance to catch up on tumblr.  There is too much to catch up on :(

I am on a beach in Goa, Republic of india and finally have a gamble to catch up on tumblr.

At that place is as well much to catch up on :(

A bulletin from gaymutant-weblog

Hi! I'1000 thinking you get asked this probably constantly at present, and if this is but another nag, i apologize! wah! But with university and island paradise being out, do you think that you lot will in the upcoming time to come update St. Claire for them? :) I don't want to sound naggy, but out of curiosity's sake I'd honey to know. I love all your work, by the mode. Thanks for all the downloads :D

Hi there :) No need to apologise! It's a good question.
Unfortunately the answer probably isn't what you want to hear, lol. I don't think I am going to be able to update St Claire for any new EP's for a couple of reasons - mainly due to it already being quite congenital upwardly and my shitbag of a laptop can't really take it anymore. The other reason is that I am going to be leaving for a long holiday at the terminate of November, and even if I had enough time to make the changes people want, I wouldn't be around for vi months if people had issues that needed addressing.

After I come up back from my holiday, I'll purchase a new laptop but I yet don't call up in that location'll be any new updates to St Claire, I am moving on from it I call up :) It's still a super fun world to play, with plenty of room for additions, then anyone is welcome to make those additions for their own game! I am working on a Mexico'ish earth (very slowly - won't be done before I leave before anyone asks, haha!), so thats possibly something to look forwards to :)

Thanks for asking!


Flights to Tokyo on Nov 28th: check

Get-go weeks accomodation in Tokyo: check

Holy shit this matter is really happening! I am officially going on holiday for at least i calendar week! haha :D

I should starting time a trip/personal tumblr. *eeeeeeeeep!*


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